
My Shitty Blog
yoiu don't have to say you'resorry
buy me a beer!

Thursday, July 29, 2004

I know you writer

and furthermore getting thru all that miss yoiur baby so that you can shine in fall off a log.
I mean it's like there's a whole world out there waiting for you to come to yoiur senses and show them yoiur poems and read to them and tell them about how you wrote that poem under what influence and who it is to and what magaziens have chosen you over others to publish and keeping the ball in play constantly, a concerted effort by all means. and you're not even a freak of nature!

Wednesday, July 28, 2004

don't forget he popular vote, yoiu kkow, like what yoiur friends are doing. they
re doing grat stuff, real stuff, poem stuff. join them in yoiu can

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

ratehr than me worry about the revolution, I'll let the revolution worry about me. seems alot easier that.

Friday, July 23, 2004

hey, what abot this amgic poetry? magic sensibility and sensitive, even dreaming dreams of poetry. couldn't you be in that poem sometime, writing really beautiful? perhaps yoiu could. it sunds alike, only yoiu have yiur name on it, to let people know.
the preceding post indicates that I am here to say that I am here to say!!!. folks, yoiu need me, I'm that good!!!!!
I have been writing up a sgtorm (a storm front coming thru, peeps!!!_), and oo busy to add to this blog, but I dont' wanto disapopijt y public, all of them. they want to read writing that has momnebt and stuff and look you could probably even say something theortetical about my work. should I sound liejk Kennth Koch or Jordan Davis, hmm, or maybe I'm writing all this now myself!!!

Monday, July 05, 2004

evrey day i plan to write somethign important, no matter how long it takes. this is the sole of being a writer yoiu kow. yoiu really want to be the best, even if it tkes sweat and fiortitude. yoiu don't think a greathitter liek Barry Bonds just too a drug to make him the greatest do yoiu? well it is the same with writing. yoiu gotta want to be the best. you gotta have game.

Sunday, July 04, 2004

the dark gleam of somethign inchoate left me breathlss, but I was able towrite it down

Saturday, July 03, 2004

if you want my opinion you dont want my opinion, yoiu want Ron Silliman's. his opinion is heavie han yoiurs by a shitload a,md mine is right out.

Friday, July 02, 2004

I think i will keep my writing career going. it's all full of words!

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