
My Shitty Blog
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Saturday, August 07, 2004

apoem is something yoiu stick beofer a commitee hand hope for the best. a poemis something for poets to read inbetween tiems when they aren't writing peosm themelves. a poem is a machine made of words, or words made into a machine, the point is somethign about the words working togetehr, I geuess. such are my musings right now.
Li Po and Tu fu writing poems on leaves and sailing them down whe river., not forgeting tro add the (c) to ensure legal rites. Beth and I did similar, true story!!! tho maybe we weren't sharp enough to add the copyright shit. on rhododrnedron petals, not leavds. as a petal flowed down the Concord river a fish grabbed and swalloed it. and if that weren'tenough, after a feww seconds the fish spat the petal out. O critiic, thou art like, hey, you know what I'm saying?

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