
My Shitty Blog
yoiu don't have to say you'resorry
buy me a beer!

Sunday, November 07, 2004

it was like, jeez, out f the blue that I was thinking and I got this really cool insight, yoiu knkow how yoiu do when the world gets it right into yoiur head, so here's what came to me: be nice to the words yoi use and maybe the words willbe nice to yoiu

that's almost like saying hat words are there, see, and yoiu think you got it and then maybe yiou dont', but yoiu do anyway, yoiu kowwhat I mean? I mean it's liek, it is really interesting!!! when Ron Silliman reads this, he'll be impressed
come the revolution I'm gonna be talking in the streets

I'm gonna have a lot t say when the revolution comes down

Friday, November 05, 2004

so it's really about backing up and taking a gander. maybe the gander doesn't like it but what can it do?

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

as a poet I wabnt t belmnost contemporaneous to my though process

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